about us

Building a DIY campervan is a large undertaking, and resourcing everything it takes to do so can be a mess. We could'nt find one place where people can come to learn, share experience and leave with a comprehensive understanding of what to do step by step so we/ve decided to create it and TheVanLifePost is our attempt at this.

“Love Nature has an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”

Our Mission

Share the knowledge and experience gained in our build process and allow others to see the step by step process while using creative resourcing to save money every step of the way. Additionally, create a hub of learning that is comprehensive down to the detail to allow others a bluprint and an active forum of users that can share their valuable experience and improve on each others designs. 

Our Experience

After experencing vanlife through rentals and other’s designs, and seeing the drawbacks and expense of traditional RV life, we set out to design and build our own. We literally spent years learning and combining designs from RV owners, DIY campervan builders, boat owners and countless hours on forums and youtube to arrive at a design that would be economical, low profile and completely off grid. Although not perfect, this design gathered alot of attention during our 5 months on the road and it is one that we are very proud of. 

Emily Davis